SMA Consulting LLC is an independent consulting company that provides advice, expertise, and services related to:

Wildlife Law Enforcement – SMA Consulting can provide advice and expertise to NGO’s, governmental agencies, and businesses related to combating the exploitation and global trafficking of wildlife.
International Training and Capacity Building – SMA Consulting can provide training to businesses, corporations, government entities, schools, universities, state and local law enforcement personnel, environmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations.

Environmental Regulation and Compliance – SMA Consulting can assist clients in navigating the permitting process as well as ensuring compliance with applicable state and federal environmental regulations, including the Endangered Species Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.

USAID Democratic Republic of the Congo – lead a team of international and national consultants in conducing a comprehensive assessment of CWT capacity in the DRC. Assessment covered 1) Legislative Review 2) Agency Constraints 3) Border Controls 4) Judiciary Review 5) the Role of Civil Society Organizations and 6) Regional and International Coordination and Collaboration.

Wildlife Conservation Society – contracted to conduct an organizational needs assessment, market survey, and make recommendations for a case management system for WCS related to their work addressing wildlife crime and trafficking worldwide.

USAID Madagascar – providing technical support to project design for an Anti-corruption and CWT Project in Madagascar. Project objectives include 1) Reduce corruption in the natural resource sector to improve biodiversity outcomes for wildlife, fisheries, and forests 2) Strengthen national and regional law enforcement capacity and coordination and 3) Improve coordination of CWT stakeholders in the country.

UNODC – leading a team of national consultants in the development of a Rapid Reference Guide (RRG) for prosecutors and investigators of wildlife crime and trafficking in the Philippines.